
Falling leaves rustle
blown by howling winds.
Kaleidoscope of colors swirling
like my mind these days.
Focus on the moments
when sun touches me like kindness.
Kindness is more contagious
than the virus swirling in the wind.
Sun shines down today. Happy am I

Kaleidoscope is written by Lindsey Ein. I’m thrilled to post her poem to my blog today. She’s responded to the Quadrille prompt at dVerse, writing a poem of exactly 44 words that includes the word “happiness” or a form of the word (“happy”). Lindsey is the mother of my very talented son-in-law and belongs to a writing group in Kentucky.

16 thoughts on “Kaleidoscope

  1. Lindsey Ein November 2, 2020 / 4:38 pm


    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian November 2, 2020 / 5:20 pm

      I’m delighted to post this for you, Lindsey. So sorry my WordPress would not allow me to indent the second lines….but as you’ll see from comments below, the poem is still beautiful and very well received! 🙂


  2. Ali Grimshaw November 2, 2020 / 4:39 pm

    I like this, “Focus on the moments
    when sun touches me like kindness.”
    This will make a perfect mantra.


  3. calmkate November 2, 2020 / 4:44 pm

    she has a way with words, and love those colourful leaves!


  4. Tricia Sankey November 2, 2020 / 4:58 pm

    It is so windy in Kansas City here, today! We are enjoying the sun as well and it does warm the soul, Enjoyed the poem!


  5. Lucy November 2, 2020 / 5:02 pm

    This is utterly beautiful and evocative, Lindsey. I really love these lines:

    “Kaleidoscope of colors swirling
    like my mind these days.”

    I feel like this at times too. I love how in this piece, I can feel a swirl of colors emerging in my mind’s eye. So much warmth in this poem. Quite the imagery, and such a fantastic take on the prompt. Well written and well done.


  6. revivedwriter November 2, 2020 / 5:20 pm

    “Like my mind these days” — this is relatable.


  7. msjadeli November 2, 2020 / 5:55 pm

    Beautiful line: “sun touches me like kindness.”


  8. Ron. November 2, 2020 / 6:05 pm



  9. sanaarizvi November 2, 2020 / 6:20 pm

    This is exquisitely drawn, Lindsey 😀 I especially love; “Kaleidoscope of colors swirling like my mind these days.” We must plant happiness like seeds … both in life and within. 💝💝


  10. Ingrid November 3, 2020 / 1:36 am

    Thanks for sharing, Lillian! I love the lines:
    ‘Kindness is more contagious
    than the virus swirling in the wind.’
    I guess that’s how we keep going 😊


  11. kim881 November 3, 2020 / 3:19 am

    A lovely, colourful quadrille, Lindsay. My favourite lines:
    ‘Focus on the moments
    when sun touches me like kindness.’


  12. Francis November 3, 2020 / 7:13 am

    Wonderful! The sun is more powerful than any virus…


  13. Björn Rudberg (brudberg) November 3, 2020 / 2:35 pm

    Lovely to meet you, Lindsey… I love how you describe those happy moments that bring happiness in these days of virus and wind


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