In the Magical World of Catrin Welz-Stein

Come soar with me in my moon-balloon flying machine
over magical forests, gently crooning mountains
and islands planted within golden seas.

We shall stop at Wisest Woods
for I know you have questions,
as many children do.

Walk softly on Fiddlehead Fern Path
to the Tree of Life and Sanity.
Climb through its rustling verdant leaves.

Stand upon the highest left-fork branch.
Hum softly and she shall come,
the Elderness, Sagacious Owl.

Her talons sure footed on the tree,
her size, unimaginable to many,
her existence, known to but a few.

Open your journal
to yesterday’s dog-eared page.
Read to her your salient fears.

She shall listen, ponder,
provide wise counsel,
and then fly you back to us.

Under blue etched night skies
we shall rock you gently
until you awaken from your dreams.

Sharing this at dVerse Open Link Night……using two of Catrin Welz-Stein’s magical images from my Tuesday Poetics Prompt. Have been so busy reading posts to the prompt….and wanted to write to two more of her images.

Consumed by Gaze

Beautiful but
eyes were always upon her.
Expectations lofty, demanding,
be they spoken or not.

To be plain
was her dream.
To walk in the everyday world
unnoticed, unknown.

She did not understand
fame’s fortune was its curse.
She never was on the inside
what the outside came to expect.

Demanding eyes
claimed rights to her body,
feasted on the outside
as her soul withered within.

Beautiful image/art created by Catrin Welz-Stein.

Created for Tuesday Poetics at dVerse, the virtual pub for poets across the globe. Today I’m tending the pub – meaning I’m the host for today’s prompt. I’ve provided folks with four beautiful images created by artist Catrin Welz-Stein and asked them to choose one for inspiration. They are to write an ekphrastic poem in the purest sense, describing the image OR use the image as motivation to create a poem somehow connected to the image. They are, of course, required to give credit to the artist. Go to dVerse, to see the four images available.

If you’d like to learn more about artist Catrin Welz-Stein and/or see more of her incredible artwork, go to