How ’bout them apples!

Past their prime,
over ripe apples hang in the balance.
Juice oozes, fruit drops to the ground
breaks open and fleshy mush spills.
Bright sunshine illuminates spoilage
as ants and maggots hover.
I found a box, cleaned it out, and filled it anew.

Past their prime
professors snore in ivory towers,
deliver lectures heard years before.
A ninety-year old senator stumbles,
scheduled to serve until 2029.
Justices can wear gowns until they die
unlike ballerinas who ditch their tutus
when the musculature gives out.
I found a box, cleaned it out, and filled it anew.

So here’s some words to consider then.
Timely picking does make good pies.
No matter the paper put round the fish,
they do eventually put up a stench.
The crowd generally cheers louder
when you leave the court  at the top of your game.
I found a box, cleaned it out, and filled it anew.

Written for dVerse, the virtual pub for poets around the globe.

Today we’re introduced to Bop Poetry created by Aafa Michael Weaver and asked to write a poem that follows the form below:
Create a 23 line poem, in 3 stanzas. The stanzas must be ordered in this fashion:
1. a 6 line stanza that poses a problem
2. an 8 line stanza that expands the problem
3. a 6 line stanza that solves the problem
AND, here is the tricky part,

each of the stanzas must have one additional line that is the refrain (repeated) and it must be either
“I found a box and put a room in it” OR we can add our own ending to “I found a box . . .”

FYI: Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa is 90 years old and his term in the Senate does not expire until 2029. And, lest you think I am complaining about the age of President Biden: here in the U.S. we are faced with a choice between two men for President. One is 77 and the other is 81. So yes, I do wish there was new blood on both sides. However, these are the two men and one will become our next president. The difference between the two men could not be more stark. I fear for this country, for women, for my grandchildren, for the environment, for immigrants, for universities and schools if Donald Trump becomes president again.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

12 thoughts on “How ’bout them apples!

  1. sdtp33 May 2, 2024 / 9:14 pm

    Love the edge, the imagery, the topicality and the flow of this Lillian….great stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Björn Rudberg (brudberg) May 3, 2024 / 2:32 am

    Though I think in general (especially in Sweden) we tend to clear out the age long before they are going rotten there is a time when you need to step down.


  3. kim881 May 3, 2024 / 2:50 am

    What a picture, Lill, in the lines:

    ‘Bright sunshine illuminates spoilage
    as ants and maggots hover’!

    The wildlife in our garden eats all the windfall apples. I wonder if the same could be done for the orange one whose name I shall not mention… Or maybe a box, in a prison, where he belongs.


  4. Truedessa May 3, 2024 / 9:06 am

    We know there are always a few bad apples in the bushel. I do agree we need to fill anew. I too fear for our democracy if he is elected. sigh


  5. Gillena Cox May 3, 2024 / 3:34 pm

    Luv your renewal box. As ages one pass on hopefully we would have nutured young ones well enough to fill spaces



  6. dorahak May 3, 2024 / 4:57 pm

    Can’t help but agree on this witty social commentary bop, Lill. And how well, how sensory-packed is this rollicking-ride from tutus and ivory towers, pies and fruits to the truths that pack a punch in the last stanza. This “box” needs a good cleaning out alright. Thoroughly enjoyable and perfectly composed bop!


  7. Jim May 4, 2024 / 2:21 pm

    Right away I chuckled before I even read a line. Was the box of apples. Once we stopped at a pick your own apples store in Vermont. After we paid for our sack, they lead us to their box of ready pick apples. Their play on words.      ”Professors snore in ivory towers,” . . .not in an ivory tower but I had an office window that looked out on a large green space ending at the Library and Book store. I had in my office a comfortable place to sleep if I was to also have a night class.  “. . . deliver lectures heard years before”, some may have done that, I stayed up with changes of the law as I taught Business Law and also a class of Entrepreneurship, starting your own business. I retired at age 68, 22 years ago. I’ve enjoyed every minute. (Also ninety and don’t stumble). Smiling all the way, misconception of college professors. 



  8. Rob Kistner May 5, 2024 / 1:29 pm

    Such sage advice my friend. Apples, fish and politicians all eventually spoil and stink. Excellent write Lil… 🙂✌🏼🫶🏼


  9. msjadeli May 5, 2024 / 1:40 pm

    There is a wax and wane in all things. These two old duffers being allowed to be our only viable choices is a tired tune. We’re being played, over and over again. To have one of them being indicted for 91 counts and still walking around a free man is a national disgrace. We are diminished as a nation because of it.


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