Childhood Ditty

Skiddely-do, I see you.
Clippity-clop, clompity-clomp,
tromping loudly as we romp.

Skiddely-do, join me too.
Spinning spinning like a top
round and round we never stop.

Skiddely-do, crouch down low.
Creepity-creep, oh so slow.
Skiddely-do is so much fun
until we’re all, skiddely-done.

Written for dVerse, the virtual pub for poets. Today Bjorn asks us to write using alliteration (repetition of the same sound in the beginning of one or more words in a line of poetry).  It strikes me that young childrens’ games and songs often have alliteration, which makes them “catchy”, easy to memorize and repeat…and when they also include an action (clapping hands; stomping feet; creeping crawling) they’re even more fun!  I’m only sorry my grand daughter is not with us in San Diego to make up a tune to this little ditty.  Click HERE to listen when she put a tune to a previous poem I wrote a few years ago. Perhaps you can read this new poem aloud and come up with a tune yourself! 🙂

45 thoughts on “Childhood Ditty

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:31 pm

      Glad you enjoyed. I really had fun with the prompt! Good to slip back into childhood every once in a while!


  1. Gina January 30, 2020 / 5:16 pm

    delightful! I love the way this makes me want to dance and twirl. a happy ending, a new phrase for a family to give meaning for something special, skiddely-done splendidly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:32 pm

      It’s always fun to slip back into childhood fun. Smiling and being a little skiddely-doish is good! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:33 pm

      Always happy to provide some fun! 🙂


  2. msjadeli January 30, 2020 / 7:25 pm

    I could see little kids loving to follow this one, Lillian.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:34 pm

      I always loved hosting my childrens’ birthday parties when they were little. Those were the days of having a small group of friends (and sometimes their moms) over to the house, making a birthday cake and figuring out games to play … and decorating with crepe paper streamers too. That’s what this reminds me of 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • msjadeli February 3, 2020 / 2:17 pm

        Wonderful days for sure. I look back when my sons were youngsters and wish I would have realized how quickly those years pass and appreciated them more.


  3. Beverly Crawford January 30, 2020 / 7:27 pm

    Skiddely-do, skip to my Lou is now playing endlessly in my brain!! Such a happy interlude.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:35 pm

      Oh yes….those were all such fun childhood rhymes and songs. And my grandkids and my children also did a lot of hand-clapping games with partners that had fun sayings to them too!


    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:35 pm

      I was so happy to find that illustration on pixabay….it just made me smile! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. sdtp33 January 30, 2020 / 8:54 pm

    A lot of fun…think I’ll try out on my grand daughter! JIM

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:37 pm

      Oh so fun…..hope you did! Which means you must have made up a tune for it while you were saying/singing it! 🙂 When we get home from San Diego I plan to have my grand daughter make up a tune for it like she did the other one I mentioned at the explanation after the poem!


    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:37 pm

      Hurrah! Isn’t it fun to slip back into childhood mode every once in a while??? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. kim881 January 31, 2020 / 1:39 am

    Nicely ‘skiddely-done’, Lill! San Diego has tickled your inner child!.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:38 pm

      Isn’t it fun to slip back into childhood mode every once in a while? Ah the little things in life that can make a child smile 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. hank77 January 31, 2020 / 10:21 am


    Rekindles the innocence of the bygone days!


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Victoria Stuart January 31, 2020 / 10:24 am

    I love this! I had to go listen to Marika as well, what a beautiful voice and such articulation! Hopefully she will be inspired to record this one, as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:40 pm

      Thank you! I think perhaps I’ll email this to her mom and dad (I’m in San Diego till mid-March) and see if they can ask her to make up a tune and send it to me….or shall do when we get home! 🙂


    • lillian February 3, 2020 / 1:40 pm

      Always glad to hand out fun! 🙂


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